Haggis Croquettes | Tuggy Tucks In

I’ve been meaning to post this blog since February 2021 when I followed LIDL’s Haggis croquettes recipe. I thought it was fitting to share it today on Burn’s Night when Scottish groups around the globe will be celebrating our national bard.

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Holy Lama Spice Drops

Adding that hint of spice to your dish can change your dinner from dull to delicious, but it isn’t always easy to come by the fresh varieties and more often than not when you do buy fresh there’s some wastage. As a nation we have the option of many dried herbs and spices to jazz up anything from our soups to sweets. I was excited to learn about new product ‘Spice Drops’ from Holy Lama Naturals. I had their lemongrass and cinnamon extracts to make a meal out of. 


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