Restoration Yard | Tuggy Tucks In

Each time I visit the Restoration Yard, situated in Dalkeith Country Park, I feel a sense of calm. It’s hard not to, whether you’re chilling in the Scottish sunshine in the Tuscan inspired courtyard, taking part in a yoga class in the Wellbeing Lab while watching a squirrel scurry up the hill, or relaxing with a coffee and gazing out over the stunning Orangerie. Continue reading

Asda Extra Special Scotland | Tuggy Tucks In

I had the privilege of being invited to Asda’s Extra Special Scotland event by my friend Tartan Spoon Blog in conjunction with Asda, Edinburgh New Town Cookery School and Morrow Communications. Continue reading

Umi | Tuggy Tucks In

I was very excited to receive an invitation to review Umi. A fairly new kid on the block tucked away in a basement restaurant in Stockbridge. The entrance was enticing and the seats were quirky and authentic looking as you can see from the image above. Continue reading

BABA | Tuggy Tucks In

I’d heard a lot of good things about BABA and when fellow foodie Plate Escapes said she would come through from her normal stomping ground Glasgow to Edinburgh to try BABA for lunch, I was delighted that I had an excuse to finally try it too. Continue reading